• AMP slider
  • Biofertilizers
  • Biopesticides
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  • Vission mission 2
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Pseudo-Care 0.5% WP ----- a carrier based (powder) bio fungicide containing high cell density of well known bacteria Pseudomonas fluroscens. The viable cell count (minimum) in the product is > 2 X 108 cells per gram.

Properties :

Effective against a variety of seed and soil borne pathogens causing diseases like black rot and blister blight, sheath blight etc. It protects the roots of some plant species against parasitic fungi such as Fusarium, Pythium as well as some phytophagous nematodes. Also protects against wilt, root rot, soft rot, blight and damping off effect.

Crop Range:

Applicable to all crops against seed and soil borne diseases. Ssome important crops are rice, Chilli, Banana, Tomato, Chickpea, Black gram, Sesame, Groundnut, Sugarcane.


Seed treatment, Soil treatment and foliar application.


1 to 2 kg per acre (2 to 5 kg per ha) per application (foliar).